Hello my darlings. It's been a while.
A brief note here to let you all know what's coming down the pipe.
MADAME EDGEWISE TELLS YOUR FORTUNE has been accepted into the 2024 Charm City Fringe!
So all you Baltimore folx can come see me perform LIVE in the hopefully less heat-domed autumn of this very year. Dates and times and ticket prices TBA.
AND. Because the show has a full run? I've been working my pudgy fingers to the bone and have finally finished the Edgewise Tarot deck. In fact, the files are already at the printers for a limited run. Should have decks in hand next month. (!!!)
I'll talk a little more about the decks in future, because I intend to be updating the site a bit more regular-like. Suffice to say, there's decks a'comin'.
ALSO. I decided I would not include a guidebook in the deck box. This is because a) I knew designing the book would take ages and I wanted to be sure to have decks to sell after shows, and 2) because I decided I'd much rather make whatever guidebook I do design free for anyone who wants it, regardless of if they've bought the deck or not.
So. The next design project is, in fact, a free pdf booklet of the Edgewise Tarot. This will likely get revised constantly as I poke at what's already written and, yes, get feedback from folx who read it. What will it look like? NO IDEA. Very new concept. Haven't gotten that far. But I do hope to have something, version very alpha point 1, around the time the decks arrive.
I'm very excited to share this work with you. Feel free to reach out and say hi.
Unless you're an SEO expert who wants to optimize this site. I am not interested, Dan.